Affordable SEO services in Mumbai

WP Adventure is one of the leading SEO services provider in Mumbai and Pune (India). With the advent of the internet and businesses looking to flourish themselves on the web, affordable SEO services have been in demand for a good reason. Businesses of all nature require visibility. Whether you’re a young startup, a mid-sized or all large corporate entity; companies are aspiring to be consciously on the mind of consumers by being visible. SEO professionals help companies do that. As one of the best SEO services in Mumbai and Pune, WP Adventure helps leverage the power of the internet to drive traffic to your website. SEO (search engine optimization) is a continued effort to climb up the SERP (search engine results page) with the sole aim to outrank competitors and gain visibility from the intended audiences. This means more visitors to your website and in turn – more conversions and more sales. With the help of white hat SEO and clever SEO services strategy, WP Adventure assists to level up the SEO game for our clients and their businesses – all by being one of the most affordable SEO services in Mumbai.

Our best SEO services

To manage your stairway to SERP

Did you hear the famous song Stairway to Heaven by the incredible Led Zeppelin? It speaks about an affluent woman who amasses a lot of wealth only to find out later that she did nothing substantial, her life had no real purpose and thus she couldn't afford an entry in the heaven. These beautiful lyrics remind us in a strange way about how SEO services are. While there are people spending a ton of money trying to hire the best SEO company but those companies don't hold onto their promises. Their work isn't substantial enough. This is why, at WP Adventure, we ensure that our service-oriented SEO techniques work the way they should. As a consistently good SEO company in Mumbai, we have an enthusiastic and a driven SEO team that'll push your business on cloud nine.

Experience the best

Organic SEO Services in Mumbai

If you’re looking for organic SEO services in Mumbai and Pune, we believe to be one of the best in that. As a top SEO company, we understand thoroughly how a search engine works and that gives us a competitive edge over others. SEO is all about finding relevant keywords that belong to your niche and striving to make your site rank. With years of experience under our belt, our affordable SEO services can lift your website from the dust it’s gathering to attracting hundreds of potential leads which you can nurture in your sales funnel. All for free.

Keyword Research

It all starts with keyword research. Keywords are what people use (i.e. type) to search on the search engines (such as “best coffee makers in India”). It is one of the most critical and fundamental steps towards good site optimization. Your website’s ultimate potential is decided by what keywords are chosen – the right ones will fuel your site’s growth exponentially, while the wrong ones will bury it underground.


On-Page Seo

On-page SEO techniques are crucial to get your website in order. The correct usage of the title tag, heading tags, meta tags, meta descriptions, image optimization, URL mapping, content structure, schema mark-ups and a gazillion other activities comprise what is commonly referred to as on-page SEO. Being a top SEO company in Mumbai and Pune, we undertake a full site-wide audit to ensure the on-page SEO is done really well.


Off-Page SEO

A spectrum of activities that are done outside of a website encompasses what is known as off-page SEO or off-site SEO. This generally includes a broad range of techniques such as blog posting, guest blogging, article submissions, social media engagements, social bookmarking and of course, the very popular – link building.


Link Building

Due to the nature of its popularity and strong (rather: very strong) effects that this technique has, we decided to give it its own separate space. Link building is a very potent constructive technique, if done right. It involves acquiring high quality backlinks from other authoritative websites to improve the site’s ranking. As a top SEO company, we know some top authoritative sites to get you some really valuable and juicy backlinks.


Organic SEO services in Mumbai & elsewhere

To give your business some fuel

Startups need the most nurture and care. They require maximum attention to turn them from little fledglings to profitable revenue generating firms. Our SEO for startups focus on little activities to get them off the ground before turning the throttle full-on.

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Every industry is different and businesses in each industry require a purpose-built SEO strategy that is carefully crafted and relevant to their unique needs. We design customized SEO strategies for businesses whichever industry you may belong to.

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Having an e-commerce store hasn’t been easier. People are selling all kinds of wares these days and having a dedicated SEO strategy especially for e-commerce website means more online visitors and thus more sales.      

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Are you looking at driving more visitors to your online or offline property, from nearby areas? Are people from your locality, your intended target audience? If so, opting for local SEO services can be a real game-changer. Let us take care of that…while you enjoy the moolah!

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If you are a strong-willed business owner ready to take on the world, then global SEO services is what you must aim for. Our global SEO services program bolsters your SEO presence worldwide bringing in traffic from international destinations. How exciting!

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One of the most efficacious off-page techniques out there, link building can literally turn your business around…for good or for worse. As a quality SEO services provider in Mumbai, we know where to hunt for those elusive quality links and boost your site up.

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Frequently Aksed Questions

01. What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of ranking a website’s page on Google (or any other search engine). It involves a series of ranking techniques in order to get more visibility and unpaid traffic on a website. If you rank for a popular keyword that people are searching on Google, they'll visit your website and hopefully turn into paying customers.

02. Are SEO rankings guaranteed?

Well, no serious SEO expert can guarantee results for the coveted top spots in SERP, but our past work experience has been very promising. We can guarantee in getting your website on the first page. In fact, some of our clients are occupying one of the top 3 spots and featured snippets (position zero) for some important keywords.

03. Why does my website need SEO services?

Having your website online is one thing, however that itself is not going to get you any traffic. With almost everybody using the internet and searching for businesses like yours, it becomes imperative to get in front of such potential customers.

As an SEO agency, we will ensure that your website is optimized fully to rank on important keywords, so that interested customers can easily visit your website and contact you.

04. Why do SEO rankings change frequently?

The web is a dynamically shifting place and there are new websites added, new pages added, the content gets updated and as such Google takes into account these factors amongst others to continually assess websites and rank them on the SERP. This is the reason why you may see a website on the 1st position today, while it may slip down to the 6th position after some time.

Google also keeps updating its own algorithm which affect the ranking of the websites. These updates are rolled out a few times each year and it therefore becomes important that SEO campaigns are undertaken on a continuous basis to maintain rankings and position.

05. What kind of service is included in an SEO package?

Our SEO package is meant to help businesses of all kinds. Keeping this in mind, our SEO services are full-range – on-site, off-site and technical SEO. This sub-includes a slew of activities such as social signal packs, guest posting, article submissions, niche edits, backlinks etc.

This ensures best results for a website and helps gain an edge over their competitors.

06. What are the benefits of SEO?

Businesses invest in SEO because of the long-term benefits it brings. You can run a social media campaign or a PPC campaign, however you will bring visitors to your website only as long as those campaigns are running. On the other hand, if your site ranks with SEO, you will maintain search rankings and visibility even if you pause your SEO campaign. It is also provides better experience to visitors as they are actively searching for your products/services on the internet. Not to forget that it is more cost effective than other paid marketing channels and also helps increase your overall brand visibility.

07. How long will it take for my website to rank?

The rank of a web page is dependent on various factors such as its domain age, domain rating, how competitive the industry, how competitors are faring, their backlink profile etc. Ideally, when you start an SEO campaign, it can take anywhere from 6 to 8 months to see some significant results. If you are in an industry that doesn’t have much online competition, this time frame can be much lower too.

08. Is there a lock-in period?

No, there isn’t. We believe that clients should have the freedom to move wherever they want and whoever they want to work with. That being said, SEO is not an overnight process and can take months to deliver good results, irrespective of whether you work with us or with someone else. We therefore encourage our clients to have realistic expectations before starting work or moving away.

09. What is the cost of SEO service in Mumbai and Pune?

The cost of SEO package will depend on the breadth of SEO campaign undertaken. Expect at least a couple of hundred dollars to start off with (say $500), and it can easily run into thousands of dollars for a much large campaign. It is best to discuss your requirement with us and we’ll help you understand the actual costs.

10. Do you only work with clients in Mumbai and Pune?

Although we are based in Mumbai, we are not picky about where are clients are located. As an SEO agency, we’d love to work with businesses and increase their web presence. Everybody should get some Google-love!

Do you know that 75% of SEO activities are off-page while the rest 25% is on-page? Off-page activities include blog submissions, local citations, link building etc. Whereas, optimizing your title tags, meta data, image optimization etc., come under on-page SEO activity.

Industries and Verticals

We Serve

We love to work with different people from various industries and niches. We get a fresh perspective each time, besides honing our skills and constantly updating ourselves. We are equally enthusiastic about working with a large corporate as we are with a fledgling business. At WP Adventure, we believe that opportunities are equal and our support and dedication to turning those opportunities into success, is committed. Come on-board – everyone’s welcome.























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